Course outline

Executive Certificate - Module 1

Executive Master - Modules 1, 2 & 3

Refugee from Myanmar.JPG (V-P-BD-E-00082.JPG)

Broaden your horizons

Navigate today's debates on the complex linkages between conflict, fragility and development:

  • Urban safety
  • Weak governance and dysfunctional institutions
  • Natural disasters response and preparedness
  • Domestic, as well as sexual and gender-based violence
  • Land tenure and rural insecurity
  • Cross-border dynamics of cooperation
  • Social services provision (health and education)
  • Armed violence prevention and reduction strategies

Enhance your skills

  • Improve your ability to conduct strategic analysis
  • Strengthen your communication skills to effectively influence debates and discussions
  • Be able to undertake day-to-day activities in fragile and rapidly changing environments
  • Become familiar with applied methods, including data collection, interpretation and risks
  • Learn how to better interact with your team and interlocutors
  • Acquire skills for a systematic consideration of the context, including institutional and societal dynamics


Experience a unique course outline

designed around 3 modules:

Module 1 - at AUCA in Bishkek, Kyrgyzstan

5 weeks (full-time) in July/August 2019

  • Acquire analytical and methodological skills (professional thesis)
  • Study development projects in fragile and conflict-affected settings
  • Analyse conflict and fragility - Identify conflict drivers, societal fault lines and fragilty triggers

Module 2 - at your place of work

4 months (part-time) from September to December 2019
Executive Master only


Participants gather information (data collection, interviews, observations) and write their professional thesis in English or French. In principle, the choice of the thesis topic should be determined by the participant and his/her institution. The employing institution is also encouraged to confirm its interest and support in writing, during the application process.

Regardless of which topic is chosen, the professional thesis can take a variety of formats: policy paper, position paper, institutional analysis, case study, analysis of a specific issue, comparison or other formats suitable for the analysis of the chosen topic (25 to 30 pages). Each participant is monitored by a long-distance thesis supervisor.

Participants continue to deepen their knowledge and skills sets related to the appraisal and assessment of the dynamics of development in fragile and conflict-affected situations through e-learning courses by looking at global governance issues.

  • See examples of theses from the Executive Master in Development Policies & Practices (DPP)

Module 3 - in international Geneva

3 weeks (full-time) in January or February 2020
Executive Master only

  • Strengthen your leadership skills (mediation, negotiation, foresight)
  • Present your professional thesis in public
  • Participate in work sessions with public administrations, international and non-governmental organisations