New Professors

Spring 2019


Beatrice Weder di Mauro (Switzerland and Italy)

Professor, International Economics

PhD, University of California, Berkeley
PhD. University of Basel

Beatrice Weder di Mauro joined the Institute in January 2019 as Professor of International Economics. She is President of CEPR, the leading European network of economists, and Research Professor and Distinguished Fellow at the Emerging Markets Institute of INSEAD. From 2001 to 2018 she held the Chair for International Macroeconomics at the Johannes Gutenberg University of Mainz. From 2004 to 2012 she was a member on the German Council of Economic Experts. Previously she had worked at the University of Basel and the International Monetary Fund and has held visiting positions at Harvard University, the National Bureau of Economic Research and the United Nations University in Toky.


Autumn 2018


Rui Esteves (Portugal)

Associate Professor, International History

PhD, University of California, Berkeley

Rui Esteves previously held academic positions at the University of Oxford and Simon Fraser University. He is specialised in monetary and financial history straddling the fields of international finance, institutional economics, and public finance. His research provides perspective on the globalisation of finance, financial crises, sovereign debt, financial market architecture, the choice of exchange rate regimes and emigrant remittances, as well as rent-seeking and corruption in public office.


Michael Goebel (Germany)

Associate Professor, International History
Pierre du Bois Chair Europe and the World

PhD, University College London

Michael Goebel was Professor of Global History at Freie Universität Berlin. In 2012–13 he was a John F. Kennedy Fellow at the Center for European Studies at Harvard University and in 2008–11 Marie Curie Fellow at the European University Institute, Florence. Though a historian of Latin America by training, through his book on anti-imperialism in interwar Paris (which won the Jerry Bentley Prize in World History of the American Historical Association in 2016), he has grown increasingly interested in the intersection of global and urban history in the nineteenth and twentieth centuries. 


Dennis Rodgers (Switzerland, France and United Kingdom)

Research Professor in Anthropology and Sociology

PhD, University of Cambridge

Dennis Rodgers held appointments at the Universities of Amsterdam, Glasgow, Manchester, and the London School of Economics and Political Science. His research focuses on issues relating to the dynamics of conflict and violence in cities in Latin America (Nicaragua, Argentina) and South Asia (India). Much of his work involves the longituidinal study of youth gangs in Nicaragua but he also works on the political economy of development, the politics of socio-spatial segregation, participatory governance processes, the historiography of urban theory, and the epistemology of development knowledge. In 2018 he was awarded a five-year European Research Council Advanced Grant for a project on “Gangs, Gangsters, and Ganglands: Towards a Comparative Global Ethnography” (GANGS), which aims to systematically compare gang dynamics in Nicaragua, South Africa and France.